Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When Infamy becomes aristry

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Just show your ass, and they will come
Riding infamy like a bullet train, the Kardashian’s have braved a flight path that offers all the perks of stardom, but minus the costly price of the journey.  Their surnames have become household names.  Miraculously rising to celebrity status, they are truly a marvel of both marketing and branding.
art work by Jodi Arias
The Art of Jodi Arias:  genuine talent as seen by infamy
What the Gabor Sisters were erroneously accused of, success without discernible talent, the Kardashians are guilty.  More cerebral than their image portended, collectively the Gabors  acted on the stage, in film and on television.  At the very least they provided entertainment that required a solid work ethic.  Exactly what have the Kardashians, collectively or individually, accomplished?
Other than one getting caught with her pants down, literally, Kardashian fame rests on moments that were, well less than flattering.  Not too dissimilar from one onetime heiress socialite whose initial bouts with fame came from bad behavior, at least Ms. Hilton, acted and sang. At the very least, she did something other than looking pretty.
Aside from a scandalous video, and then a lame reality tv show, the Kardashians have built a multimillion dollar businesses out effluvium.  Why go through the contortions, trials, tribulations, breakdowns and sweat that serious talent requires when you can hitch your wagon to a gravy train that only asks you be present.
Does style become substance?  That was the big question. The more precise question would be can the shameful become profitable?  Can flaws become cash?
Apparently the answer is yes.  Want a quick way to fame and fortune but do not want to work for it? Just do something outrageous. The money will follow.  Appear on a few shows, hock a book and without too much on your part, except for the total embarrassment of doing something scandalous to start with, watch the money roll in faster than an T.V. Evangelists rival meetings.
Amen and pass the plate!
Andy Warhol said “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” Prophetic words that are still highly relevant.  What he could not have seen is that bad acts can add at least 60 more minutes.
Getting in on the act, Jodi Arias has achieved attention as an artist. The same woman who brutally murdered her boyfriend in a bloody messy painful sea of anger without remorse, Arias is now an artist. Her amateurish creations depict assorted dull subject matter.  What is telling is that she depicts famous people.  In an odd way, she has achieved a notary that the subjects of her creations had to work hard to achieve. The irony is painful.
Just because you have murdered your boyfriend, that doesn’t mean you cannot draw sympathy and supporters.  Arias has her own web site.  You can see her site and yet another, not directly associated with Arias
There is actually an audience for the work.  Her creations are selling.  Nothing brings the price of art up like a crime.  Do something terrible and watch the art sell.
Artists, actors, writers and all assorted professionals, skilled labor folks, and well the vast majority of the world actually works for a living. They contribute skills that we all  need. Exactly what does someone with an atom of talent in a galaxy of ambition provide?  Is it fodder for consumption at check out lines, or have we all become pop culture junkies looking for the next fix?
There was a time, long ago on tv sets far away, when people with talent actually talked about things that actually mattered.  Even the light shows like Mike Douglas gave you something to think about.  Dick Cavett featured professors from Ivy League schools.
Just try to find one serious writer, artist, musician or actor on t.v.?  Find anyone talking about anything of substance, other than marketing their own ass, and you will find the pickings very slim.

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